Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

This is an overview about upcoming events at the Institute of Clinical Anatomy and Cell Analysis. You can also sign up right here for selected events.

OP-Führerschein (OR License)

November 24th 2023, 9am-4pm

In-person session

Your job requires you to work in or near the OR?

In that case, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (German Society for Surgery) recommends to get the OR-license offered by the Institute of Clinical Anatomy and Cell Analysis.

For further information contact:

Diana Hagen
Specialist nurse in surgery
Email: diana.hagen@uni-uebingen.de
Phone: +49 (0) 7071 29-73015

Sectio chirurgica

To be announced.

Hybrid event

Anatomy and Live-Surgery: A Skin-Deep Experience.

Renowned surgeons perform surgeries characteristic for their respective discipline. These surgeries are streamed live online. Sectio chirurgica connects all relevant surgical disciplines and combines preclinical fundamentals with clinical expertise. 

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