Press Review
University of Tübingen: Search for Remains of Murdered Children during the NS-Regime Unsuccessful
March 17th 2023
A year ago, the University of Tübingen removed human remains from a grave, in which victims of the NS-regime are buried. They searched for brain residue of children – unsuccessfully.
Workshop-Series Medical Engineers and Physician in Exchange
February 2nd 2022
The workshop-series „Einschnitte-Einblicke“ focuses on several surgical topics. It offers a chance -in particular for small companies – to evaluate medical needs and discuss modern solutions.
Educational Covid Video goes Viral
January 1st 2022
The Covid numbers in Baden-Württemberg are still rising. Even though the beds in intensive care are not as full anymore and Omikron is supposed to be less severe, there are still a lot of patients in need of intensive care. How are they treated, what happens in intensive care?
A lot of Noise about an Educational Video about the Treatment of Covid patients in Tübingen
January 5th 2022
An educational video by the University Hospital Tübingen is still omnipresent. It follows what happens if a patient with Covid-19 is admitted to intensive care.
University Hospital Tübingen and its Corona Video are on the ZDF’s »Heute Journal«
December 1st 2021
A year ago the University Hospital Tübingen made a video about the treatment of Corona intensive care patients. Just now, the ZDF introduced the clip in its news-show »Heute Journal«. The clip is also very popular on Instagram…
In Intensive Care as a Corona Patient
November 28th 2021
In severe cases of a Corona infection the lung is damaged so badly that the patients are admitted to intensive care. If they need to be given artificial respiration a laborious treatment begins – however, what is it that happens exactly?
COVID-19: Educational Video about the Treatment in Intensive Care Introduced
January 11th 2021
Bernhard Hirt, director oft he Institute of Clinical Anatomy and Cell Analysis of the Faculty of Medicine Tübingen, Physicians, and students shot an educational video, which shows the treatment of a patient suffering from COVID-19 in intensive care.
Educational Video: This is what Happens during the Covid-19 Intensive Care Treatment
December 12th 2020
Images of suffering Covid-19 patients are constantly on the news. An educational video of the University of Tübingen shows precise insights into the medical procedures in intensive care.
Erklär-Video: So werden Covid-19-Patienten auf der IntensiDocu-Video: This is the Treatment for Covid-19-Patients in Intensive Carevstation behandelt
November 11th 2020
In case of a severe Corona infection, treatment in intensive care and mechanical ventilation might become necessary. In a video, medical professionals from Tübingen demonstrate how this works.